Everything About Pet

Tips That Could Help Your Dog Lose Weight

Obesity is not good for anyone, even our furry friends face a lot of issues related to overweight. Help them lose weight with these easy steps for better health. As per the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), more than half of all dogs are purportedly overweight or obese. Which implies that over half of them are at high risk of developing serious health issues including diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney and heart disease, and many forms of cancer.

Obviously, dog obesity is not a sign of ample love and care by the owners, it is an invitation card to various troubles. While your dogs could not hit the treadmill, they can certainly follow some routine to cut off those excess pounds. Here are some easy tips for the same:

Here are some easy tips for the same:


Count Their Calorie Intake

A formula that works on their humans’ as well. Do not blindly follow the instruction on the dog food bag, they are generic measurements. Consult a veterinarian in order to understand and calculate the regular intake of calories required by your dog. Feed your dogs according to the calculated calories.

Measure the Food Before Serving

According to a study by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, intake of even just 10 extra kibbles of food could add up to a pound of weight gain per year. So, after figuring out the food required by your dog, start measuring the exact amount of meals before serving.

Regular Exercise

A regular 20 to 30-minutes brisk walk could boost your dog’s immune function, along with benefits for cardiovascular health and reduced behavioral problems. Ensure that your dog does not skip on his regular exercise.

In fact, joining your dog in healthier life regime, commit them and yourself to daily exercise and walks.

Rationing the Treats

Similar to us humans, too many yummy treats for your dog, can make the weighing scale pointing towards the wrong end. Laden with sugar and fat, pet treats could be destroying your dog’s health.

One simple solution is to ration the treats as you do with kids, just one chocolate a day. Another solution is to opt for a low-calorie, no-sugar variant of the treats. Also, ensure that each treat you give is part of that calorie control system for your dog.


Special Tip
To get the best of both worlds, break the treat is smaller pieces and space them across the day as per your dogs’ calorie intake.

Dog Supplements

Supplements such as omega-3 fatty acid could benefit in overall health maintenance of your dog. Filled with anti-oxidants, these fish oils prevent and treat your dog’s numerous diseases, including fighting their obesity.

In addition, some studies have suggested that L-carnitine has aided in weight loss and promoted lean muscle mass. However, before hooking your pet to any supplement, contact your veterinarian about the right supplement required by your dog.

Our pets could not take care of these small little details, and thus it is our responsibility to ensure they stay away from any immediate harm, such as obesity. Hope our guide could aid you in controlling your dog’s weight.


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