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eye problems

Dog Eye Problems in Dachshunds

Dachshunds' extraordinary skeletal structure, with a long body and short legs, make them a fascinating pooch. In any case, the rearing expected to achieve the quality has prompted a large group of potential medical issues. The problems…

Common Eye Problems With Dogs

Your dog's eyes express excitement, surprise, sadness and concern---emotions easily discerned by you, his loving companion. When those eyes become diseased, not only is his sight compromised, but also your pet's ability to communicate…

Eye Tumor in Dogs

When the family dog begins to have eye problems, pet owners don't usually consider cancer as a possible cause. However, when the veterinarian makes the diagnosis of ocular cancer, it becomes necessary for owners to educate themselves on…

Eye Cancer in Dogs

Primary eye cancer in dogs are tumors that begin within the structure of the eye. Secondary eye cancer in dogs occurs when a malignancy from another site spreads to the eye. Types Melanomas make up the commonest…